An Overview Of The Best Supplements For Muscle Gain

By Madea Jenssen

Finding which the best supplements for muscle gain are can feel like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack. The group of shakes, pills, supplements, bars and other products that promise results in an instant is bewildering. Fortunately, a number of studies done by well known and reliable medical bodies have established what works and what does not.

Before using any of these products, a lifestyle check is essential. If a person always eats the wrong types of food, is consistently stressed, does not get enough sleep and exercises irregularly, then these products will not be of any help. Like a house, they need a foundation to rest on. Once these issues have been sorted out, a person can now fully benefit from these products.

Research has established that an amino acid that provides energy works. This chemical is produced naturally by the body, but a variety of products are available to augment its function. Chemical that is normally found in the body is highly popular and is widely used. It is used to fuel high intensity workouts that take a short time, usually less than five seconds. It allows people to exercise for longer periods of time, and to recover faster.

Among the products that have been proven to work is chemical that is normally found in the body. In about three hundred studies done over a number of years, seventy percent found that this chemical made a significant difference. Naturally synthesized in the human body from amino acids is produced naturally by body, but these products enhance its function. Like a catalyst, it helps fuel the body's activities, particularly those that require intense bursts of energy for a short time, such as body building.

Beta-Hydroxide Beta Methyl butyrate is another product that has proved its mettle. It is a derivative of leucine, which is a type of amino acid. Like creatine, it is well suited to short duration, high intensity workouts such as sprinting and weight lifting. A review of several studies has proved the efficacy of this product. Some companies are now making a highly potent combination of nitrogenous organic acid and Hydroxyl Beta Methyl butyrate.

Several years ago, the American Food and Drug Administration banned a number of testosterone boosters due to health concerns. Testosterone is a male hormone associated with aggressive behavior, an increased sex drive among other characteristics. It has been used as one way of increasing mass and strength. Unfortunately, it has several undesirable side effects if too much is used over a long time.

These include acne, large breasts for men, with the opposite for women, and even cases of cancer. For this reason, some government agencies, such as the American Food and Drug Administration banned it some time ago. Some makers have introduced alternative herbal based remedies, but several studies have proved that these are not effective. They cannot be included among the best supplements for muscle gain.

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Anonymous said...

There are so many bodybuilding supplements that you really need to do a lot of online research before using any of them. I did that when I realized I’m lacking muscle strength because of testosterone deficiency. Went through thousands of reviews till Ageless Male testimonials caught my eye. It happens to be the perfect solution to my problem. I don’t need to use any other supplement – Ageless Male works both like a testosterone booster and a bodybuilding supplement.

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