Bodybuilding Competitions - How To Prepare For Them And Do Well

By Salvador Shaffren

Do you want to enter a bodybuilding competition? If so, there are many things you need to do and learn before you start training. When you think about it, there is actually a very small margin of error that separates winners from losers.

First of all, bodybuilders usually ignore cardio workouts. For some reason, people disassociate cardio workouts with bodybuilding routines. Having an edge on your opponents in a bodybuilding competition is something you need to have. You can give yourself a lot of extra definition by doing cardio workouts on a regular basis. You need to be as lean as possible on the day of the show. This will not be a huge problem for you especially if cardio is part of your regular workout. It is in your best interest to do cardio at least two or three months prior to the competition so that you are in top physical shape. Whatever cardio routine you decide upon, it needs to be based upon your objectives and body type. If you are going to do a bodybuilding competition, you need to have as much information as possible in order to be properly prepared. You might want to talk to people that are bodybuilders, who have experience with competitions like this. Go online and join groups and forums related to bodybuilding. By frequenting the forums and groups regularly, you can find lots of information on supplements as well as training. It's in your best interest to read articles and books by your favorite bodybuilders to get this info. When you have more information, you will be better prepared for any contest that you enter. That's how it works. Although some of the techniques may not work for you, you need to at least try and improve through experimentation and research.

There are actually two kinds of bodybuilding contests - natural ones, and ones that are not. The choice is up to you. When you enter a natural bodybuilding contest, steroid use is prohibited. You will be tested for banned substances before the competition, so it's essential that you read the rules thoroughly. Although many substances are banned, there are some that you can still use. You need to check the list to make sure you are not in violation.

Focus on lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and plenty of vegetables. Also limit your sodium and sugar intake. To help you look and feel your best, drinking plenty of water is another habit you should have. Three months prior to the event, be very careful about everything that you ingest. You've probably watched bodybuilding competitions and, if so, you've undoubtedly noticed that a majority of the bodybuilders are tanned. This is a delicate issue because overdoing it can be harmful. You don't want your skin to get dried out, and you certainly don't want the orange tint that certain artificial tanning products leave. There's no doubt that if you have a nice, healthy tan, it will show you off at your best advantage. Continue to use any tanning product, or method, that has worked well for you previously. If you plan to try out different methods or creams, for instance, proceed slowly and cautiously. Use your head if you are trying to develop a nice tan out in the sun or at a tanning salon. Don't overexpose yourself.

As you probably know, bodybuilders use lots of oil on their bodies when posing during the competition. The reason the bodybuilders use oil is to show off the definition of their muscles much more easily. This is, however, not allowed in many competitions. Therefore, you should not count on using oils when you enter a competition. If it is allowed, then use it by all means. Remember not to use too much. Not all judges are impressed with a greased up look. Just in case, go with a happy medium, using just enough to get by. Purchasing a product like this can be done, online or off-line, at any store or website that sells bodybuilding supplements.

You cannot substitute experience for knowing the rules, but you should still know them. When you do your first couple competitions, you are going to be nervous to some degree. Gaining experience is really the only way you can be more comfortable on stage competing. You need to build your confidence, train hard, and be overly prepared for what may come your way.

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