Hypnosis—The Relationship between Yoga, Meditation, and Self-Hypnosis

By Rick S.

Though nobody knows the precise origin of yoga, meditation and self-hypnosis, one thing is absolutely certain, that they are more than millenia old. Esteemed scholars are certain that the origins and practice of yoga and meditation can be traced to the Indus Valley civilization. Despite the fact that these practices give the consultant a sense of well being and peace it wasn't in style till recently.

Though yoga and meditation are often joined they are also different. Meditation is thought to have been practiced all over the world for an exceedingly long time. Self-hypnosis is also thought to have existed in the world for a considerable time. These alternate techniques of healing and self-healing have existed for hundreds of year's in spite of attempts to deter them by assorted vested interests as an example crazies and dogmatists. Doesn't it make you wonder why some people would like to deter something as fantastic as self-hypnosis, meditation and yoga? Well the answer is not difficult. The great majority of people who against these methods were folks in control- control over people. And they were under no circumstances content to relinquish the control they'd over the masses, because these methodologies thought one the right way to have control over one's well being (physical, mental & non secular).

In many societies of the world these practices were forbidden. Folks in states under dictatorship, communism were banned to practice yoga meditation, and self-hypnosis. Why? Because communism failed to allow folk to ask and receive answers about any thing apart from what they wanted the people to know. They wanted folk who weren't in touch with their spirituality, whose consciousness was not awakened. They wanted their masses to be like bots and just obey commands. And everyone knows that yoga takes us to a higher plane and a raised level of consciousness. So folk who practice yoga cannot be manipulated according to the whims and fancies of certain folk. Because of this kind of oppression many of us in the previous USSR practiced Yoga in secret.

As a person who has lived in a free country all his life I find this tricky to comprehend, as will all of you who live in a free society. All we're able to conclude is if folks were pleased to risk their lives for the well being offered by yoga there must be something to it. Think about all the sages who realized self and more thru yoga.

In the modern day of gizmos, where we've got some gadget or other to do about any thing we'd like, we haven't any time for ourselves-no time to take real good care of our well being, our spirituality, of self awakening. Who is holding you back from yoga? No one But you yourself. Take 1 or 2 seconds to oneself, put your feet up and unwind. Think of all of the benefits that you are going to gain by practicing yoga or meditation or self-hypnosis. Think about the well being that's the results of practicing these self-improvement techniques. Do you want to feel good about your self, be calm and relaxed and be well placed to handle the whims of life confidently and calmly.

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Anonymous said...

Nice post.Description of hypnosis is very different from most descriptions of meditation.

Alistair Horscroft
Hypnotherapy Training

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