Why you'll always rebound with your weight if you don't detox properly

By Toby Edge

You want to achieve lasting weight loss, don't you? You want to lose weight for good rather than losing for a time and then putting it back on again soon after, like so many people do.

Nobody realistically wants to only lose weight in the short term. No-one will come out and say that they're only looking for a short term result, rather than a long term, permanent weight loss achievement. If you've got an issue with your weight then you will, I guarantee, be searching for a solution that will rid you of that problem forever. Problem is, most people are doing things wrong.

They think they do, however. They think that a regular diet or nutrition plan is going to give them the results that they want. They think they'll start eating healthily and somehow they'll manage to maintain this forever and stay slim and healthy for good.

No chance.

Not gonna happen! In fact the truth is that only 1 in 200 people manage to lose weight and then keep that weight off for good from dieting alone. 1 in 200! Thats only 0.5%, not good oods in anyone's book.

Now, what you are probably not aware of is that detoxing is absolutely critical if you want to see a long term weight loss solution. Why exactly? Let me tell you.

Toxins are everywhere. They are in our food, in the air, in our cleaning products, our beauty products...just all over the place really. When these toxins are ingested into the body they get stored in our fat cells. Now, these toxins are bad for the body (obvisouly) and our body helps protect against them using the insulation around our nervous system and organs. And what helps insulate our organs and nervous system? Fat.

We all need fat around our body to act as protection. As we become more toxic, however, we need this protection more than ever. As you diet, your fat cells shrink, and this in turn makes us even more toxic.

How exactly?

Well, simply because these toxins are stored in our fat cells and as they shrink, and the toxicity remains, we end up becoming more toxic. Not great.

The body responds to all of this by producing more fat as protection. So this is kind of where rebound weight gain comes from - its a reaction and defence mechanism brough about by the toxic overload in your system.

This is primary reason why we constantly 'rebound' with our weight. If you fail to reduce this toxicity in your system then you'll find that you'll always suffer this rebound effect.

So, detoxing becomes a vital part of any long term weight loss plan and it should certainly be high on your agenda if you are struggling in a cycle of yo-yo dieting and rebound weight gain.

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