Undertaking The Conversion From A Shortboard To A Sector 9 Longboard

By Ivan Cristaldi

As technology changes so too does sport and with it the practitioners of the activity. With the development of longer skateboards changing the face of skateboarding, the Sector 9 Longboard provides a great starting point to make the switch. Now all it takes to get carving down a hill is the decision to get out and get riding.

A longer wheelbase on a board smooths out the ride and delivers the excitement of racing down an incline like no other. Freedom, often described as the sensation of feeling the wind on your face and the rumbling road beneath your feet, has never been closer at hand. The longer board hugs the road and allows a combniation of agility and speed to send you on your way.

The popularity of the long board is growing. It has become quite common for groups of friends and skating enthusiasts to take up the longer boards and develop new tricks and techniques that suit this style of skating. The experience of learning new skills from a community is valuable and makes riding that much more enjoyable.

Getting to work just gets easier and more healthy when skating. A longer board is still comfortable to ride even with a longer commute and is the greenest option out there. The board takes up less space and is much more easily transported than a bicycle if the commute requires buses or subways.

Skating is all about growth and skaters are always on the lookout to learn new tricks and techniques that give them each their unique style. A longer board delivers on this like no other. Dance tricks and slalom riding are just two examples of how skaters keep things fresh with the new decks.

Keeping in shape and working on cross-training is another advantage to skating with a longer board. The techniques used in the sport share commonalities with surfing, windsurfing and snowboarding. With such a wide variety of experience, skating keeps atheletes in shape while maintaining their sense of balance and focus whether or not they have access to quality wind, snow or waves.

The feeling of trying something new is refreshing and rewarding. A Sector 9 Longboard delivers on those feelings in a big way. It's just a matter of time before the wind is ruffling your hair and the adrenaline is surging while you carve a gnarly hill at speed. Making the change from a short board has never been easier.

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