You Don't Have Time To Lose Weight?

By Russ Howe P.t.i.

A recent poll by the UK government revealed that almost 90% of residents in England feel they don't have time to exercise or diet during their busy day. Most people seem to feel that they don't have time to learn how to lose weight even if they want to and would find it almost impossible to free up enough time to exercise regularly. If you're also in that situation, today we're going to help you get around this.

One of the biggest misconceptions with fitness is that it's supposed to take over your life. It is most certainly not.

Believe it or not, your diet plays just as important a role as working out and you will be amazed at how much progress a few small changes to you diet will make. This works particularly well for those who have not led a very healthy lifestyle in the past or those who have never really known what to eat before. The list below details the most important factors.

* You shouldn't buy into celebrity, quick fix diets. They don't work.

* Remember you don't just want to lose weight, you want to lose fat. Cutting down on carbohydrates is fine but you'll need to increase your protein intake otherwise you'll start simply burning off muscle and retaining unwanted body fat. Not a good place to be.

* Work at a slight calorie deficit and you will lose weight, it's that simple.

* Your body needs a break so feel free to take a day off and enjoy your favorite junk food as a reward for a good week's worth of healthier eating.

* Learn how to use protein as an effective snack.

The rules above will teach you how to get started literally right now at home. By the time you even consider your first workout you should already be feeling better and noticing an extra spring in your step. Speaking of that first workout, we'd like to dismiss the notion that your gym time needs to take over your life. The truth is this is a nonsense idea put forward by people who are simply addicted to training. You don't need to spend ages in the gym to see good results from it.

You can get a fantastic workout in under fifteen minutes per day with no equipment. If you've been genuinely looking for a way to shed some unwanted pounds you'll be delighted to hear that, but if you are one of the many who is using lack of time as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility you now find yourself in a situation where it's impossible. There are many people like this and we want to ensue you are not one of them, because results cannot be achieved without your efforts.

Don't be fooled into assuming that you need high tech equipment to get a great exercise session. You do not. In a minimum amount of time you can create a fantastic workout session which hits all of the major muscles in your body and burns a lot of unwanted body fat. Better still, you can do it without the need of any equipment at all!

The basics still work the best when it comes to exercise and fitness. Go back to proven exercises like pull ups, push ups and squats because the science behind them stands tall above any other exercise in the book. Circuit style training can be done using the majority of basic body weight movements and, believe us, it's not as easy as it looks written down on paper!

There are countless gym members around the globe trying to figure out how to lose weight or how to get that last bit of stubborn belly fat off their midsection. You'll often hear people telling those around them that they just don't have time to lose weight. You now have information to the contrary. Use it wisely and go get those results you've spent the last year or two dreaming of.

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