How the Last Airbender Could Make Kettlebells Part of His Avatar Training

By Rob Sutter

The Last Airbender, Aang, was intended to become the Avatar. To put it generally, an Avatar is a being who has supremacy over the bending techniques of all the elements. As these weights are made of metal, he could have integrated kettlebells into his Avatar training. This way of training is not just meant for people, after all. Each elemental training routine could have used of the weights in one way or another.

While being trained in water bending, Aang could use water and propel the kettlebells. He could drop them into water and use a variety of ways to locate the kettlebell at the bottom of the water. He could also fine tune his ways. This could be done by having someone chuck kettlebells at him and him having to learn to use water to defend himself.

As part of his Earth bending training, Aang could deflect and manipulate the kettlebells with the Earth. He could engage in sessions where he would try and prevent the weight from hitting the ground by shooting chunks of the Earth at it to deflect it. If he truly mastered the earth bending, he could eventually learn to bend metal and then there would be a whole new level to the use of these weights in his Avatar training.

I believe that the hardest thing for Aang to do in his training would be the sessions involving fire bending. Prince Zuko would have to be the one to dispense such knowledge, too. I believe that Zuko would be apt to firing kettlebells with flames about them at Aang. In order to prove himself, Aang would have to dispel the shots in some way; ideally, he would return fire by reversing the shots back at Zuko. The versatility of these unique dumbbells cannot be dismissed and it's one of the many reasons why fitness authorities such as Lorna market them to the public.

Kettlebells are a helpful tool to work out with, and that's just from the general human perspective. If it were from the perspective of someone who is in training to change into the next master of the elements, it is truly useful. Keep in mind that the Avatar could use a simple kettlebell in his training to someday garner mastery over the elements. You can imagine what a mere human could do as well.

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