What Are The Top Oils To Devour For A Healthy Diet

By David Bruckner

What are healthy oils for my body? you might be wondering. Not all oil is exactly the same. Many are created as the result of chemical processes. So, if you've ever asked the question, 'what are healthy oils for my body', then the answer is generally that natural fats are probably the best. However, it's not always that simple as some oils are better uncooked and others are better when used in the cooking process.

Around the 1900s, companies starting developing and processing oils by using chemical processes. The trouble with these procedures is that the product had to be altered in a dramatic way to produce what we now call vegetable oil and sunflower oil. These are widely consumed and are generally cheaper than their counterparts.

Healthy fats are out there, and are usually those that have not been altered by chemicals in any way. These days there is no reason to eat processed foods or processed oil because of the wide range of non-processed fats out there. One such fat is olive oil, which has a high level of monounsaturated fat and low levels of polyunsaturated fat. When used in salads as a dressing, or in homemade mayo, it tastes very nice.

A product that many people have not heard of coconut oil. As with so many natural oils, the fruit is pressed until the oils come out. It has not come as the result of chemical altering at all. The product has a high level of lauric acid as well as other fatty acids. The thing to understand is that not all oil is bad for you, we need fat to boost our energy levels and keep us going through the day. The great thing about coconut oil is that it can be used in the cooking process.

Meat often has a very bad reputation for being unhealthy. The problem with meat isn't the animal, but often its the way it has been treated before it gets on our plate. If you eat meat that has been treated well, like free range chicken and grass-fed beef, then you'll usually get a healthier cut of meat. Therefore, try and looking at the label the next time you buy and look at how the animal has been raised.

One food that has been sorely misunderstood over the years is butter. Not only does it taste great, it is made by using natural processes. The soluble fat vitamins in it are excellent for the body, as are the levels of healthy saturated fats it contains. It also has compounds which are said to facilitate the absorption of nutrients to help prevent disease.

Try buying organic dairy products like cream and cheese. Contrary to what some may think, not all saturated fat is bad. The healthier type is found mainly in organic produce and things like cream can be served with fruit for a healthier dessert.

So to those wondering what are healthy oils for my body? the answer lies in the way the fats are processes. It's usually commonsense to think that naturally occurring oil is healthier than something that has been altered using chemicals. To this end, things like fish have essential oils that are useful for the body, as does palm oil and avocado oil.

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