Why It Is Difficult To Answer To The Inquiry What Is Glutathione

By Peter Smith

It is the question that has been on the lips of just about every health conscious person everywhere. What is glutathione and how does it benefit humans. This new wonder supplement is said to be one of the most amazing discoveries in modern times and that it can contribute to human health in ways no other supplement has ever been able to do.

This amazing antioxidant is hailed by some scientists as the most important and most potent one. It is a very small molecule and it occurs inside cell structures. This type of antioxidant, however, is found in every type of cell and that is one of the main reasons why it is considered to be so significant. Most people know that they need antioxidants to counteract the destruction caused by free radicals.

Antioxidants have a very important role to play in the maintenance of human health. They are able to donate an electron to free radicals that misses one. Free radicals generally attack healthy cells to replace their missing electron and antioxidants, on the other hand, will remain stable even when they have donated an electron. In this way the free radicals are neutralized by the antioxidants.

Because the antioxidant under discussion is found in every type of cell, it is ideally placed to neutralize all kinds of free radicals. Some studies have concluded that this antioxidant is also able to assist the liver in removing a variety of toxins and drugs from the body. Studies of people that are seriously ill have shown that hey inevitably have very low reserves of this powerful antioxidant.

The best way in which to increase the levels of this antioxidant is still a matter for debate. Some experts say that, other than other antioxidants, this one is not very well absorbed when taken orally. They recommend that precursors rather be taken. In this way the body will be enabled to manufacture the antioxidant naturally.

Despite opposing opinions some experts still think that the levels of the antioxidant can be raised in natural ways. One such way is to consume whey proteins that supply the body with the building blocks that are necessary for producing amino acid. Moderate aerobic exercise also encourages the body to manufacture more anti oxidants. There are even some indications that foods rich in sulphur enable the body to manufacture more antioxidants.

There is no evidence that glutathione can cause any harm. However, there is much evidence that it has valuable therapeutic effects in the treatment of cancer, AIDS, arthritis and a host of other diseases. Some scientists insist that it also has very powerful anti ageing properties. The antioxidant has also been used in the treatment of infertility and even Alzheimer disease.

Nobody will argue the fact that antioxidants are extremely important in the fight against disease. Some scientists believe that the answer to the question what is glutathione is that it is the most powerful, most important antioxidant ever discovered. Others caution that much research must still be done before such claims can be made.

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