Let Me Show You How To Quit Smoking

By Ramsey Vatter

If yes, then you will have to adopt JUST DO IT strategy! Did you know that a recent study reported in the British Medical Journal, found that quitting smoking spontaneously is best. In that study the scientists questioned nearly 2,000 current and ex-smokers about how they quit smoking. Nearly half indicated they quit spontaneously. The study also revealed that those who quit smoking spontaneously were 50 to 60 percent more likely to be successful. Are You Ready to Quit Smoking?

If you're going through say a pack of cigarettes daily, don't make big leaps like cutting your smoking in half. Set a plan in motion to cut back GRADUALLY. Try cutting out 1 cigarette a day every 3-4 days. Load up all the cigarettes you will be smoking for the day in *1* pack and have that be your sole source of cigarettes for that day. As time goes by, you will be removing 1 cigarette from this pack at a time, if in the process of utilizing this technique you feel any discomfort, distract yourself by chewing some gum or drinking some coffee.

Quit Smoking Tip #2: Tell your Friends and Family of your Quit Smoking Plan

Next, surround yourself with a great support group. Let important people know about the new step you are taking. Tell your family about your decision to quit smoking. Work out your plan with your best friend.

Walk through the process you intend to work on with your better half. For every milestone, you have the important people in your life present. This is no different, even if it still in the beginning phase.

Thirdly, be ready for the obstacles that you will inevitably encounter. Nicotine is addictive. For those who are hooked on cigarettes, the idea of quitting smoking can be enough to cause serious anxiety attacks. There are several options to look towards when dealing with Nicotine addiction.

If you answered "yes" to the second sentence, congratulations! Welcome to the non-smoking and living a long, healthy life Zone! Let's get started! Now that you're sure you are ready to quit smoking, take out a pen and piece of paper. You will need it to make a few easy calculations.

If you focus on quitting smoking for good, you will only overwhelm yourself. You must learn to small chunk things, try and improve little by little and set your main focus on seeing weekly progress.

Every week, re-asses what you've done for the past 7 days. Have you cut back on the cigarettes you smoke each day? If you're using the above method of cutting out 1 cigarette every 3-4 days, you should be assessing whether or not you are smoking 2 less cigarettes a week.

There are also other approaches to quitting smoking that do not involve Nicotine Replacement Therapy. The most popular of these approaches are hypnosis and acupuncture.

Hypnosis is designed to place the smoker in a mood of deep relaxation and openness to suggestions that involve a resolution to quit smoking and to increase negative feelings towards smoking in general.

Acupuncture is thought to work by stimulating the energy flow of the body. Endorphins released are supposed to make the body to relax, allowing the mind to manage the withdrawal symptoms. In both approaches, a focus on the physiological aspect of quitting smoking is just as important as the physical aspect.

So, if you take X cigarettes per day, that means you smoke X cigarettes per hour! Multiply that number by the current cost of cigarettes. Write down that number and circle it.

Pack that away in your pocket and make that your ONLY source of cigarettes for the day. Get writing, there is no tomorrow, all there is, is the eternal NOW, get up and make this a reality!

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