Equestrian Clothing In The Musto Zara Phillips Collection

By Arline Bradley

Over time, the horse has been the most utilized quadruped in all of humankind. People and horses go a long way back through history. In the olden times, this animal is used to transport heavy loads that are too much for a human to carry. They are used to pull lumber and other materials from one place to another. They are also used in warfare either as transportation for the cavalry or transportation for warfare supplies.

In the latter day setting, horses are now bred for its appearance. Superior pedigree quadrupeds are up for the admiration of a swooning crowd during horse dressage. Horses are also trained for the Olympics and other prestigious competitions. An equine usually undergoes training along with its rider or handler. The person who rides a horse is an equestrian. He uses special accessories while working with this type of beast. These quality accessories are included in the musto zara phillips equestrian collection.

Zara Phillips, who is currently in collaboration with a clothing company, is actually of royal blood. Born Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips on July 27, 1981, she is the grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. She is the only daughter of Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips. She married former rugby player Mike Tindall last 2011 and gave birth to her daughter Mia Grace just this January.

Even when she was little, she had always loved horses. Horse riding is a must for British royalty during her childhood years, but she never viewed it as a skill she had to learn. Instead, she saw it as a fulfilling hobby. She took after her parents and aimed to become a professional equestrian. She even represented her country for the Olympics.

Musto Clothing is a famous outdoor clothing line in the United Kingdom and surrounding countries. This company is a family business started by Olympic medalist and champion sailor Keith Musto. The company prided on being the top manufacturer of quality garb especially made for those with an active lifestyle.

The said company was the brainchild of one Keith Musto. He, like Phillips, had immersed himself in a hobby at a young age. Though, unlike the royal equestrian, he was into sailing. He was so in love with the said sport that he had thought of creating a design for a sailing attire that would offer both protection and comfort for the people who spend most of their day at sea.

He had started with a small workshop in Essex. Through hard work and commendable set of work ethics, he made his business prosper. Soon, he was the proud owner of more than three hundred musto shops worldwide. His company manufactures durable yet comfortable array for people who lead a very active lifestyle. His shops cater to the needs of the people who are into sailing, boating, shooting, and horse riding.

The partnership with Phillips has been nothing but success for the two parties. With thorough brainstorming and planning, they have come up with beautiful designs for the equestrian collection. The goal is to provide support for the rider while still managing to look good while working with his horse.

The collection boasts of garments made from quality materials that are guaranteed to endure daily wear and tear. They are also sold at affordable prices. If you want to own one article, you can have it from a Musto store near you or order it online.

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