Foot Pain Suffers In Hueytown Find Relief Through Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments

By Nelson Consiglio

The nerve roots are located at the spine and that is where radicular pain begins. This is called sensory distribution. Chiropractors in Hueytown will often discover a disc herniation in the spine. Another term for this is slipped disc.

The average person, without knowing human anatomy, may find it puzzling to hear that pain in the foot is caused by a herniation in the spine. However, it is. It is called radicular pain because it radiates from the nerve roots at the spine down to the feet.

A chiropractor will advise you not ignore pain in the feet. All pain can cause muscle degeneration over time. You may have to rest for a few days. Ice applications followed by heat applications may help to reduce inflammation and soothe the hurt.

Your first office visit will be spent discussing your condition. There are tests to be administered. Possibly an x-ray will be needed to clarify the problem. The feet and spine will both be examined physically. A series of questions will help the chiropractor complete an evaluation.

A herniated disc may be pinpointed as the cause. There are, however, other possibilities. Dancers and athletes are likely to develop Achilles tendonitis, leading to pain in the heel. The dancers who perform ballet in toe shoes and women who wear high heels on a regular basis are susceptible to this.

After assessing your condition, a care plan will be set up to reduce the level of hurt you are suffering. Gentle spinal adjustments are one method that has shown good results. Professional advice about special shoes, improving posture and light exercise that can be done at home will be given.

Most people prefer care that does not require medication, either over-the-counter or prescription pain pills. Another favorable factor is that chiropractic care is non-invasive. Response to spinal adjustments is good. Each person is unique and will improve at a slightly different pace depending on age and general health.

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