The Person Who Invented Private Gyrotonic Training

By Amanda Collins

Gyrotonic exercise method is one of the two components besides Gyrokinesis exercise method that compose the Gyrotonic Expansion System. Gyrotonic method makes use of specialized equipment, which permits the trainer to move with resistance and support. The sequences entails in this method are meant to increase functional capability of an organism harmoniously. It embraces key principles that can also be found in yoga, gymnastics, tai chi, dance, and swimming.

In gyrotonic training, continuous, flowing motion are emphasized together with synchronized breathing patterns. One can attend sessions in private gyrotonic training in fitness facilities such as studios and gyms. These facilities also provide group sessions besides private ones. Group sessions are administered by one or multiple trainers to several trainees.

The gyrotonic expansion system was created by an individual named Juliu Horvath. Horvath is of Hungarian ethnicity born in Romania. Horvath was motivated to develop the system after struggling for a long time with chronic pain. Horvath was a gymnast and a dancer and became a ballet dancer in his early 20s. This man defected from his country, Romania, in 1970 and was later granted asylum by the United States. During his defection years, Horvath spent several months in an Italian refugee camp.

The herniation of vertebral disc in the back of Juliu ended his career as a dancer. He needed to rehabilitate the injuries so much that he moved to the Virgin Islands. While living on the island he began to practice yoga and meditation. He would spend the better part of the next 6 years in deep meditation and yoga. While devoted to the life of yoga and meditation, Horvath working on the Yoga of Dancers.

Upon his return to New York City from the Virgin Islands, Horvath began to teach the new technique. He set up a gyrotonic studio in the year 1984. He became the first individual to set up such a facility. Most of his clients were professional dancers. His classes created a lot of demand very fast, to include people from different backgrounds. He had to redefine the routines he taught to accommodate clients with different health needs, age, and body size. He gave the name Gyrokinesis method to the refined routines.

There are many benefits associated with practicing this method. Some of the most common benefits are enhanced circulation, increased mobility of joints, and cardiovascular stimulation. Additional benefits include strengthening of nervous system, stimulation, mobilization of spine, enhanced sense perception, flow of energy, improved coordination, and greater balance. People attain these benefits to different levels.

The specialized equipment needed for gyrotonic training was also developed by Horvath. In fact, all models of this device, which are currently available were developed by Horvath. The design of the equipment is such that it can accommodate natural body movements the body can make. A curvilinear wooden framework is usually included into the design. Customization is possible through the many adjustments the device incorporates. Customization is meant to allow the machine to accommodate different physiques and levels of physical fitness.

For commercial use, trained use five main models of this equipment. However, the most widely used model is the Pulley Tower Combination Unit. The term specialized equipment is used to refer to the other 4 models. The names of the other four units are Leg Extension Unit, Jumping Stretching Board, Gyrotoner, and Archway.

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