Basic Tips On Spinal Decompression In Santa Monica

By Donavan L. Stern

Compression of spinal cord is one of major problems that affect older people. The spinal cord is usually responsible for co-ordination between the brain and the rest of the body. The body organ achieves this by sending signals back and forth for effective communication. So many people suffer from this condition and if proper medication is not taken early enough the situation can worsen thus leading to more severe pains which can lead to disability. This article takes a look at some causes and symptoms and a place to find affordable spinal decompression in Santa Monica.

Though the complication is mostly associated with older people and women who are at their post menstrual stage, this does not necessarily mean that the young people are not at risk of generating the complication. Their being several causes of the condition, an injury can result to compression of spine. Also the activities we carry out everyday can contribute much to this complication. Some of these activities may include: poor lifting techniques of heavy luggage, poor sitting habits among others.

One of these methods is taking a bed rest. This involves elimination of any activities that may trigger compression of the spine. At this time the patient is advised by the doctor to take a rest for a specific period of time where examination of the progress is observed. Many people who had mild backbone complications, recovered after being subjected to this method.

Another method is the use of painkillers to relieve pain. Though there are different types of pain killers which are available over the counter, it is always prudent for one to seek advice from the doctor for the right prescription of the condition. A good example of these painkillers is Ibrufen.

The use of brace around the affected area is also another method which can be used to successfully treat backbone complications. This is normally done the same way one would have a brace on the joints after injury. Apart from giving your spine time to heal, brace usually help in relieving pain caused by these compressions.

No matter how good it is for one not to overwork as these may trigger spinal complications, it is not also advisable to do body exercises. Regular exercise normally helps in strengthening the joints and bones. Walking, Yoga and dancing are some of the activities which can help one to heal naturally without undergoing surgery.

Most people normally mistake this symptoms when the condition is at is prime period with normal pain or fatigue. It is always prudent to visit a health center once the above symptoms are experienced, for the condition to be carefully examined and treated early before it becomes difficult for it to be corrected.

Normally, the condition is examined through X-rays, CT scans and MRI tests which are usually done on the spine. These tests help practitioners to carefully examine the spine and determining the possible cause of the compression. It also provides images on the degree of compression which in turn helps doctors to give the correct medication to the patient. If stringent measures are not taken, spinal compression can result to disability and in severe conditions it may lead to death.

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