Hip Pain Relief From A Denver CO Chiropractor

By Angeleah Mae Zerna

Hip pain is something many individuals suffer. Help may be had from a Denver CO chiropractor. As people age, osteoarthritis tends to set in and the development of this condition is quite common, often becoming serious enough to require a joint replacement. Inflammation of the bursitis due to overuse, injury, or a fall, might also cause the discomfort.

Hip pain may be the result of conditions such as spinal degeneration, sciatica, hernia, or a dysfunction in the sacroiliac joints. Individuals who are experiencing this type of discomfort may possibly benefit from chiropractic care. After conducting a thorough examination, the doctor will be able to determine whether their techniques will be an efficient means of addressing the patient's specific issue, or if another type of physician would be better suited to the task.

Chiropractic medicine does not practice the use of prescription drugs, so instead of prescribing pain killer which have the tendency to be addictive, the doctor will use natural techniques to slow joint degeneration, hopefully avoiding the need for surgery.

A chiropractor will design an individualized plan of care that will depend on the cause of your hip pain, your age, and your lifestyle.

The plan is likely to include a variety of techniques, including massage therapy, spinal and hip joint adjustments, and specific exercises designed to help restore mobility. The doctor might also provide their patient with advice on how to improve their posture, ways to avoid pain by alternating periods of standing and sitting, as well as how daily activities can be done so as to reduce joint strain.

People dealing with hip discomfort might want to think about consulting with a chiropractic professional, or talking to their personal physician regarding their opinion on the matter since most traditional doctors now recognize how beneficial this care is for back and joint pain. The primary aim of this medical field is to assist individuals in regaining mobility without pain.

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