Top Low Ab Workouts

By Philip Sergey


Lie down on your back with your legs extended straight. Intertwine the fingers, and place them behind the head. Lift both the legs off the floor. Bend the right leg, and bring it closer to your chest. Try to get to the elbow of the left hand to the knee of the right leg.

Now, gradually extend the right leg, and bring the left leg closer. Repeat the exercise 10 to twelve times on both the sides for well-toned lower abs.


Although a simple pose to presume, it happens to be one of the most useful of the abdominal muscle exercises. Stay horizontal on your stomach with your hands placed precisely below your shoulders. Your heels should be off the ground and toes curled under. Slowly, lift your body as you straighten out your hands. Your weight should be balanced on your hands and on the toes. Hold this position, approximately for 1 minute, and release thereafter for a stronger core.

Swapping Leg Walks

Start by lying on your back. Placing your hands under your butt, take 1 or 2 deep breaths. Now, contract the lower ab muscles, and lift your right leg up slowly, till it is ninety degrees to your body. Then, keeping it slow, lower it back down, till it's a few inches off the floor, while simultaneously raising your left leg.

You must keep lifting your legs, alternatively about eight to ten times, to start with. Later on as your abdominal muscles become stronger, you may increase the count to fifteen to twenty times too.

Double Leg Reverse Crunches

Lie down on your back with your hands under your butt. Lift both of your legs until they're in a vertical position. Now, bend your legs at the knees, so that the lower part is parallel to the floor. Then, contracting your lower abs, and keeping up your bent knees, continuously lower your legs till the undersides of your feet are simply a couple of inches off the floor. Keep your abdominal muscles contracted, and hold this position for a few seconds. Then, inflating the contraction in your abdominal muscles, lift your knees up again, bringing them toward your chest. This, indeed, is a tough exercise, so begin by doing just three to five reps. Later , as you're feeling you are getting the drift, increase the reps gradually, until you can perform fifteen to 20 reps.

Double Leg Circles

Lie down on your back. Contracting your lower abs, lift both legs one or two inches off the floor. Now, revolve both legs together in circles. Make 5 circles in a clockwise fashion. Then, lower the legs to the floor, and relax for one or two seconds.

You must repeat the exercise with 5 anticlockwise circles. You may increase the number of circles to 10 to 15 as you get stronger . Besides , you are certain to feel the pressure mounting in the lower intestinal area. As far as you do not experience agony, this is a predicted reaction, especially if you've not performed this exercise before.


Lying on your back with your hands under your butt, contract your lower abs and tighten your leg muscles, and lift both of your legs up, until they are about two feet off the floor. Now, without bending the knees, get your right leg across your left leg, so that both legs are crossed. Untwine only to reverse the position of the legs. Keep repeating this scissoring action, with your lower abs contracted, about eight to ten times in the beginning. Increase it to 15 to twenty reps as you become more powerful.

Double Leg Lifts

Lie down on your back with your hands put under your butt and palms facing the floor. Then, contracting your lower abdominal muscles, and tightening the muscles of your legs, lift them straight up vertically, and hold them there for a couple of seconds.

Lower them down, till they are definitely a few inches off the floor, and hold it there again for a couple of seconds. Repeat 5 to eight times, to start with. Later , you will increase the reps to fifteen to twenty times. As you get even stronger, you can lift your head and shoulders, too , off the floor while performing the leg lifts.

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