Resorting To NFL Total Offensive And Defensive Rankings

By Olivia Cross

As if February and the post-Christmas depression wasn't bad enough, the final whistle of the Super Bowl has blown and the NFL season is well and truly over. What to do on a Sunday? Sifting through last season's statistics should keep you occupied for a while. Start with the NFL total offensive and defensive rankings.

There will still be football apps to download, both for the tablet computer and the smartphone. Remember last year when you promised yourself you would learn all the names of the players on all the squads in your local division? You've got six months.

In early February, there are probably still people discussing why the NFL don't supply all the balls instead of leaving it to the individual teams. For a few weeks after the Super Bowl, there are still a few people who care. What is the optimum number of pounds per square inch, and is it really advantageous to the offensive team if the ball is overinflated or underinflated? Maybe cultivate an interest in basketball, while it is still being televised.

Come March, there may still be withdrawal symptoms. Followers of Formula One will be able to put the NFL on hold when the first race starts. Sunday afternoons have meaning again! This leaves those who aren't race fans to fend for themselves. Time to start digging the vegetable garden, maybe?

April. Too soon for barbecues, too late for the football forums. Some NFL fans, apparently, have lives. You should probably try and get one of those for yourself. In the meantime, there is Easter, and a back yard that needs tidying up. On rainy days, you can start work on that spreadsheet you threaten to set up every year to monitor statistics just the way you want them.

Then comes May. May is a terrible month. The glory days of last season have long faded, and it is way too soon to start getting excited about the start of the new season. Keep the vegetable garden maintained. Test the new spreadsheets.

In June, just as you start to see the first shoots of the veggies you sowed in April, so to the new shoots of interest in the new NFL season start emerging. You might even start to see the early birds on the NFL discussion forums. Go on. Poke your head above the parapet and post something. If you're lucky, you can still pick a fight with someone about Inflategate.

July and August bring the warm, summer months. Time for barbecues, vacations and disentangling the Christmas lights. That spreadsheet was starting to feel like a chore, anyway. You've got tickets for a home game in October. Your biggest problem is deciding whether to buy the sweatshirt, team flag and other paraphernalia ahead of the game, or purchase it at the ground as part of the whole seeing-the-game-in-person experience. Sunday afternoons and Monday nights have meaning again!

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