Discover Why Learning What Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Is Important

By Jeff Kappel

Do you sometimes feel confused when you think about what pregnant women should and should not be eating during pregnancy? When you are expecting a little one it's important to remember that what you eat not only effects you it also effects your soon to be bundle of joy. Eating the right foods versus the wrong foods is the difference between a pleasurable pregnancy or one that leaves you tired, cranky, and miserable.

Chances are you are not the only one who was curious about these:

Is there a difference between what food I should eat when I am pregnant versus when I am not pregnant?

Have there been pregnant women who have been able to avert large amounts of pregnancy weight?

Are there any steps I can take to ensure my child and I stay healthy at the time of pregnancy?

What are things I can do to make sure my little one has the best chance of being born healthy?

Am I going to need to make extreme changes during my pregnancy?

Maintaining a balanced diet during pregnancy might seem like a challenge, especially if this is your first pregnancy or you are looking to change how you approach this pregnancy. However, you don't need to stress because you truly don't have to give up the foods you love and eating the most appropriate healthy foods will help prevent cravings while assisting in you not gaining excess weight.

Pregnant women should not eat the following five foods:

1) Uncooked meats- have a favorable chance of salmonella contamination according to recent studies. Putting you and your baby at this type of risk would not be advised.

2) Processed Carbohydrates- things like bagels and pastas may feel like a comfort type food leaving you with a feeling of relief that's temporary. These highs are usually followed not to long after with excess sugar cravings.

3) Fresh Veggies- now I understand this might seem a little crazy, but let me help clear this up. Buying fresh vegetables is a great idea while pregnant but make sure to wash them thoroughly so you clean the harmful pesticides and chemicals off of them so you don't absorb them. Better yet, buy organic but still wash them.

4) Fish- if you are buying fish it's advisable during your pregnancy that you try to consume fresh wild caught fish instead of farm raised. On another note, pay attention to where your fish comes from to make sure that it's not coming from a region that has been recently overrun with pollution in the water.

5) Eggs that are uncooked- just like raw meats, uncooked eggs will put you at risk of salmonella contamination. Avoid things like sauces, mayo, or dressings that may be made with raw eggs.

At this point, you are probably wondering if there is actually anything left that you CAN eat while you are pregnant, right?

Why does it seem like some women gain nearly nothing during their pregnancy, have perfectly healthy and happy baby, getting back to a normal weight in weeks, but you can't lose those unwanted pregnancy pounds?

The real question you need to ask yourself, is it helpful getting help from someone who's been where you have?

Use these actionable principles to avoid a painful pregnancy:

2) Less is not more, practice healthy habits eating plenty of delicious healthy foods while pregnant.

2) Certain foods are meant to be eaten during 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters, so make sure to learn them.

3) Implement safe exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Proper food combining paired with a simple exercise routine will have you experiencing a more enjoyable pregnancy by subsiding painful symptoms like stubborn fatigue and the morning blues.

You can stabilize your blood sugars by eating more proteins throughout the day. This will help you do away with constant cravings of sugar and less than healthy foods.

Another helpful tip would be for you to get to sleep a little earlier each night. If you started going to bed 30-60 minutes earlier at night your body will truly appreciate the extra attention to rest. Providing you have a challenge getting to sleep earlier just focus on relaxing and laying down, avoid excess noise and enjoy silence.

This might seem like a lot of information to sift through or be a little overbearing. The most important thing to remember here is baby steps, no pun intended. Your pregnancy doesn't happen overnight and as long as your improve a little every day you increase the chance of gazing at your beautiful little boy or girl who smiles as the enter the world.

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