Looking At Some Choices You May Need To Make About Boniva Side Effects

By Jon Kuiner

Osteoporosis is a bone condition that generally strikes both men and women over the age of fifty, being more common in postmenopausal women. This condition is silent and does not carry many symptoms. However, fractures that occur easily or loss of height can be indicators you need to see your physician. Learning more about the medication you can take for this condition is important. Check out this information concerning Boniva side effects.

Many medicines come with some type of side effects and many of them are common with most every medication. This is true for both over the counter and prescription drugs. Knowing which adverse reactions are serious and which ones are common is important.

Diarrhea and nausea are issues commonly associated with many medications including Boniva. These uncomfortable issues normally do go away in a few days after taking the medication. Be sure to ask your health care provider about the best medicine to take for relieving these gastrointestinal issues while your body adjusts to new medication. Find out if you will need to take it on a full or empty stomach as well.

Mild joint pain is common while taking this medication as well. You may experience flu like symptoms that could cause your joints to aches also. Some patients have experienced slight fever, chills, and fatigue after starting this medication. Resting until these reactions subside is best. Your health care provider can help you to be more comfortable while handling flu like symptoms.

If you feel tightness in your chest or you have swelling in your lips or face, you may be having an allergic reaction. Do not wait to seek medical attention immediately if these symptoms occur after taking medication. Severe and unrelenting muscle pain, especially if that pain is in the groin, thigh, or hips, should also be reported immediately to a health care professional.

Dizziness can be considered a common reaction to several drugs. When dizziness is accompanied by a headache that does go away and you have started a new medicine, it is a signal for you to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Persistent and painful heartburn and abdominal discomfort that does not go away should be treated in the same way.

Before you worry too much about Boniva side effects, you might think about the many benefits this drug provides as well. Osteoporosis can be a debilitating condition that can cause you a great deal of pain and life altering circumstances. Making the right choices about it is important and should be discussed with your health care provider.

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