All Men Need To Stay Watchful For Any Prostate Cancer Symptoms

By Rachell R. Arbuckleird

My dad is in his fifties now and at that age he is at risk for prostate cancer, and even though I keep prodding him to go in for his routine checks, he insists that he doesn't need to because he does not have any prostate cancer symptoms. We would debate about this issue over and over again, until I just scheduled an appointment for him myself and he gave up his fight and agreed to go to the appointment.

We were all very glad that he did, because even though he didn't think he had any prostate cancer symptoms, the doctor did indeed find some cancer. We were very lucky that we had come in when we did, because they caught it in time to treat the cancer and the doctors were confident that it could be treated with no complications.

All of the family was relieved to hear this news and even my dad who is always hard as nails, broke down and thanked me for forcing him to go in to get tested. Even though the situation was not ideal, it was an important moment in our relationship and it was a little sad that it took a deadly disease to help us communicate and be able to bond.

But then, we ran into another problem, because while my dad was receiving the prostate cancer treatments and was doing rather well, my uncle, my dad's brother was actually refusing to visit a doctor. Uncle Henry who is a years older than my father is possibly even more stubborn than my father, and he also insisted that he was not showing any symptoms of cancer and he was sure that he was perfectly healthy and there was no need to go to a doctor. This was wildly frustrating both to me and my father because the evidence was staring him right in the face that sometimes symptoms do not show up in every case and that a routine exam was just plain common sense.

His wife was the one who triumphed in getting him to go to the doctor, after threatening him with no more hot dinners until he went to see the doctor. In this case, he didn't have any cancer, which gave all of us another reason to rejoice, and even though he complained about having had to go to the doctor, he thanked his wife, my father, and me for caring enough about him to goad him into doing something for his help.

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