A Military Antenna Is Desired In The Private Sector

By Claudine Hodges

Experts all over the world have been testing and developing new and more accurate communication and data systems. While the Department of Defense is primarily concerned with war-time applications, there are many civilian uses for new technologies, such as the modern military antenna. Government has a number of merchants who represent them in the private sector.

Covering frequencies of VHF up to 137 MHz and GPS to 1575.42 MHz is the VHF/GPS. This portable piece of equipment has been known to fit the 26.5 dB gain GPS panel mount system. As such, one can find these on small aircraft such as helicopters or ultralight airplanes, as well as yachts and even luxury cruise ships.

The UHF/DECT is a base station whip-style which works on 1.88 to 1.98 gigahertz, or 1880 to 1980 megahertz frequencies. This style is often utilized on ground vehicles, which makes them useful for delivery companies, taxi drivers, as well as school and city buss systems. Pretty much any industry which utilizes local vehicle-based travel will find the DECT useful in their day-to-day business.

The typical household may have some version of the UHF/W-LAN found inside. These are the wifi antennas which can keep entire groups of people, whether families, clubs, or coworkers all connected through their cell phones, computers, laptops, and tablets. The wifi technology has made the modern man and woman better able to maintain communication with friends, family, and the office while on the road.

It is a sad fact that most of our modern conveniences have been developed during war times throughout history. It is during these periods that research and development are most funded, thus seeing an increase in advancements. World War II certainly saw more than a fair share of progress in the areas of medicine, automobiles, and the development of our current modern infrastructure, such as the Dwight D. Eisenhower Interstate Highway System.

Within this modernization, it is now possible for individuals to purchase anything from clothing to electronics from Army/Navy surplus stores. There are still many of these quaint, old businesses out there in our communities, and these are great fun to visit during the Holidays, but many options are available online. This makes gift-giving for the returning soldier so much easier for friends and relatives.

For those who were able to remember the first Desert Storm conflict, there was a great deal of consternation regarding sand and dust particles getting inside equipment, including guns and cannons. The decades spent fixing these problems are easily seen in the improvements of electronics utilized in recent years. These newer antennas should be rugged and ready to pick up even the most faint of signals without picking up every particle of dust in the air.

No matter who you are buying for, be it the World War Vet or the son of the Gulf War soldier, do not forget that some of the best tech can be purchased from an Armed Services vendor. Taking a little time to visit your local Army/Navy surplus store is not only a smart idea, but fun for the whole family as well. The modern surplus retailer has a new look and a completely new set of tools available both for the public and the corporate sectors.

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