The Importance Of Fishing Lights

By Dianne Crane

Those who do not know much about fishing may think that fishing lights are or illumination purposes. While it is true that one of the purposes that is served by these lights for illumination; the truth is that there is a more important reason for having lights.

Contrary to what many people think, light is not for illumination purposes. The prime reason why light is used is to attract the fish so that they the fishermen can have a chance to catch them. While game fish is the fish that fishermen intend to catch; light normally attracts the bait fish which then attract game fish.

How many sources of lights should be used? There are no strict rules on this. The main thing is that the people that have gone out fishing should get a bounty harvest. It has been demonstrated that using two light sources will give you optimal results. This serves to create a wide radius of light. In effect, more fish are attracted to the spot where the light is coming from.

There are some factors that you should keep in mind when selecting the light source that you will be using as you go out fishing. Following these recommendations will mean that one will increase your chances of getting better results. The first thing is that the intensity should be high. This is thought to be able to attract the fish from a distance far away. As a result of this, you can be able to get more fish.

There are two types of lights that are considered to be top for this purpose. The first one is blue. This color is known to be attracted to the bait fish. The second color that you need to use is the green color. The green color too is very attractive to the fish. Make sure that the color that you use is either of the two. If this is not adhered to, the results will not be as good as they should be.

The source of power is also important. This may not seem so to a lot of people. However, the fact is that most sources of power that are used do not give better results because of variation in the intensity of light that result. This is the reason why the electrical power sources are recommended. Most of the other power sources do not have the capacity to provide a steady light. This does not give the finest results.

Be certain to get a source that can reach the places that are away from the shores. Ideal spots have always been ashore. It is imperative that the light source reaches these places.

The fishing lights that you use should have an acceptable energy consumption rate. Energy costs a lot of money. It is therefore important that you choose a light source that is economical. Fluorescent lights are thought to be the finest because they have a low energy consumption rate.

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