Which Exercises Should You Do To Build Bigger Muscles?

By Russ Howe-Pti

When people want to find out how to build muscle there is usually one question they want to ask more than any other. Which exercises are best for getting bigger?

If you are ready to learn the facts you are in the correct place.

Before you go the the gym for your next session, take a moment and think about your current routine. Do you spend too much time playing around with little exercises that don't make very much difference to your overall physique? If you are like most people, the answer here is certainly yes.

To get quicker, more noticeable results you should ditch this approach immediately.

Returning to the basic proven principles of training is sometimes the best way to see progress. We're going to go old school on you here. Compound movements still rule when it comes to size and strength.

That's right, despite the fact that working out has become increasingly more scientific in recent years we still need to return to the very beginning when we want to increase our size and strength. Performing a heavy bench press is still excellent for chest building, shoulder press is still the optimal shoulder building exercise, you get the picture...

Your routine should be based around these big multiple joint movements. Swap out the twenty minutes you used to spend working the lower part of your forearm, you don't need it if your goal is overall size. Once you have a routine based around the principles of compound exercises, you are ready to see some results.

So how much weight do you need to lift to get bigger? While everybody's strength is different there is in fact a simple little concept you can use to get the answer for you. Your rep range needs to aim into your hypertrophy zone for maximum results. So that means performing eight-to-twelve repetitions of an exercise. If you can't hit eight it is too heavy, once you can reach twelve it's becoming too light.

That system will keep you constantly pushing for new progress which, in turn, will lead to increased muscle gains.

Sure, you could spend three hours in the gym every day working every single part of your body if you want to. But you want results, right? The easiest way to do that is base your efforts on the exercises which are going to give you the size you're after.

Resting up is crucial too, of course. As well as taking days off from training you also need to ensure you aren't skipping sleep on a regular basis.

The next time you hear a guy at your local gym asking for tips on how to build muscle don't be surprised if you tell him what you have picked up today and he doesn't believe you. He'll probably think it's too simple and go off searching for some over complicated miracle solution which costs him a fortune. As a personal trainer I see that guy every day wherever I work. As long as you don't become him you're doing okay!

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