The Most Common DVDs for Fitness Reviewed

By Leland Delapena

Workout DVDs have become widely used due to their convenience and effectiveness. In this article I give a quick review of the three most popular.

Zumba Review

One of the best ways to stay in shape and lose those extra pounds is by following a workout DVD. These are excellent for people who want to perform them on their own schedule while also keeping the privacy of their own house to do so. Then another plus side is that you save money by not having to hire a personal trainer as well. The Zumba fitness DVD is actually an exciting style of infusing dance steps into a aerobic fitness workout.

Is the Zumbaa DVD Worth it?

The Zumba workout is designed for those of us who like to dance and have fun instead of strictly exercising. It's good to do alone or in a group as can be witnessed in 100's of health clubs. Zumba is effective in helping people to lose weight and tone up due to its high intensity.

If you're becoming bored with you current exercises, or just need something different occasionally, the Zumba DVD may be a good option to have in the drawer at home. You can increase the challenge by adding small weights whilst doing the routines. This will help to tone up even more.

Overall the Zumba DVD will be a great purchase. The DVD isn't that expensive and you may in fact benefit from it as well, opposed to those that do nothing for you.

Insanity Workout Review

Many Insanity Workout reviews that you stumble upon are going to be biased and actually advertisements for the system. This is not a statement that it is a bad workout DVD, but just a warning to actually read through reviews that provide the good and bad points of the Insanity Workout.

Is the Insanity Workout Worth Buying?

The Insanity Workout DVD is like a trainer in a box. It will push you harder than just exercising on your own. The program is made up of high intensity strength training and cardio. Most new users battle to complete the first few workouts, that's how demanding it is!

The great part with this workout is you will see results providing you do as instructed and exercise consistently. Weight loss can definitely take place as a result of quantity of sweat that is going to be pouring out of your body. One more good thing is that you get a diet program that explains what foods will nourish your muscles.

Having said that, one problem with the Insanity Workout is that you can get an understanding of what they are doing, and then make your own exercise training program in which you perform back to back with hardly any breaks. That means you pretty much do not need the DVD at all unless you are a person who needs somebody to actually push them into training.

The Insanity Workout overall is a good DVD to purchase and tryout. You can generally lose weight fairly fast initially.

P90X Review

P90x is considered the most popular of the three main DVDs and it has also been around the longest. Their is benefit to be gained from using P90x. A good diet plan, with a few health supplements included, is a useful addition to the workout plans.

Overall the P90X is good for people starting out who need a push, but that is just for those who want the DVD's only. Go out and purchase the equipment separately to save money.

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