Working With Fiberglass Pool Manufacturers

By Jaclyn Hurley

One of the best things about choosing fiber glass swimming pools is that they offer outstanding value for money. In today's difficult economy home owners are reluctant to invest in anything that will not give them a good return. Pools are one of the best ways to add equity to a home. In addition the family has their own private back yard oasis. They can swim as often as they want and invite friends over for a pool party. With all these factors to consider it is important to really do the home work and find the best fiberglass pool manufacturers.

For many years the traditional choices of plaster or vinyl liners have been the most common type of pools installed. Yet as more and more people learn about the advantages of fiber glass the market is seeing a very distinct shift. It really is a case of getting the word out to let buyers know they have another excellent option. In fact, in most areas a fiber glass pool will out perform the others styles easily.

The fiber glass pools have many advantages over other types of construction. One thing a potential owner should consider is longevity. The fiber glass will last for many years, in fact owner report that pools of thirty to thirty five years old are still working perfectly. They are often able to be removed from the ground and given or sold to someone else. This is the ultimate in green pool options.

All pools need maintenance and involve some work. However, the fiber glass pools involve the least amount of time and money to keep in top condition. This is simply because they are moulded in one piece and there are no seams. It is the seams of a vinyl liner or the abrasive texture of plaster that provide a perfect breeding ground for algae and bacteria. This also equates to a lot of work.

Viking Pools are a well known and reputable American company. They have a very loyal customer base and get excellent reviews. Buyers are really happy with the outstanding selection of pools. There is sure to be something to fit every size of yard and budget.

Trilogy Pools of Tennessee are a well established company that serves the east coast area. There manufacturing is very innovative and they offer a choice of depths to their pools. This is a very important feature, especially for families with young children. They have to put safety first and a constant depth of four or five feet is perfect.

San Juan Pools are one of the original fiber glass manufacturers. Because they have been a part of the industry since the very beginning they really know the business inside out and back to front. They are at the cutting edge of every new design and innovation to hit the market. Their Taj Mahal style is a spacious 16 by 45 feet with a depth of 8 feet. Its overflow system helps to keep the water cycling properly.

The San Juan company has also developed the black fiber glass pool construction. These are some of the most distinctive and elegant pools to hit the market in a very long time.

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