Using A Stationery Bike

By Adam Roell

We all recognize the advantages of regular exercise. Getting some physical stress on our organs is a great way to get the heart pumping, something that is important for cardio-vascular fitness. Additionally,regular exercise tones up our muscles, and helps us burn off excess calories.

From a health and safety point of view, no other piece of equipment can beat the stationery bike. All moving parts, except the pedals, are under cover, so there is no chance of injury from unintentional contact. As you are seated and holding on to a support, namely the handlebars, it is nearly impossible to fall off. Lastly, you impose low stress on your joints while utilizing a stationery bike.

It may seem normal to simply hop on a bike and start pedaling. The difficulty is that if your knees are flexing too much, you will be pushing excess strain on them. All bikes, including stationery bikes, are adjustable to some extent. Usually the saddle can conveniently be lowered or raised. It merely takes a few seconds to make this adjustment, yet many individuals do not bother.

Be wary of using routines that you see in books or on the internet. The ideal target heart rate for one individual may be completely unsuitable for another. There are a lot of factors that have to be taken into account. Your existing level of fitness, your at rest heart rate, your BMI, your weight and your age are all important factors.

Each course will aim to bring your heart rate up to the target in incremental stages. You need to begin with a warming up period before moving to a higher intensity. When your heart rate actually reaches target, maintain it at that level for the designated period. Finally, allow a cooling down period by not simply stopping at the maximum rate.

If your leg is too straight in this position, you risk harming your back during exercise. On the other hand, if your knee is bent too much, you will be over-fexing it while working out. Needless to say, if you damage your joints, that will probably make exercising much more hard,or even impossible, so take a few minutes to modify the stationery bike beforehand.

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