Cheerleading Has Long And Interesting History

By Richard Graham

Spectators at sporting events, regardless of whether they are junior league, school events, university tournaments or big professional sporting events, are used to being entertained and sometimes even awed by cheerleaders. Cheerleaders have almost become an accepted part of any event. Spectators even feel cheated if they are not present during a match. Indeed, cheerleading is a popular activity everywhere, Morganville NJ to Las Vegas.

Most people think of cheerleaders only in terms of sporting events. The tradition of cheer leading is much much older, however. In the olden days, even in the Bible, cheer leaders are described as valuable during battle. These cheerleaders were equipped with drums, trumpets, bugles and cymbals and their job was to create excitement, to motivate soldiers and to demonstrate solidarity. They carried the flags and armies mustered around them.

The modern form of cheer leading was first recorded at Princeton University in 1877. At that time, all the male spectators at football matches chanted a special cheer, now known as the locomotive, in unison. Their efforts were directed by a small squad of cheerleaders. When a Princeton student emigrated to the United States in 1884, the tradition was established at the University of Minnesota. The tradition of organized cheering quickly became popular at other universities and schools.

It was only in 1923, also at the University of Minnesota, that females entered the picture of cheerleaders. However, the idea of using females did not become popular until the nineteen forties. Being a cheerleader quickly became a popular ambition for girls of all ages and by the early nineteen sixties cheerleaders were almost exclusively a female activity. By the mid seventies there were more than half a million active cheerleaders in the USA.

The main purpose of organized cheering has not changed over the ages. The task of the cheerleader is to direct the spectators to cheer in unison, to chant special cheers and to motivate the team to perform better. In latter years, cheerleaders also started to fulfil an entertainment need. They would perform special cheers and movements prior to, during and after matches.

The popularity of cheer leading has shown astonishing growth. At many schools and universities it is deemed a great honour to be selected for the cheerleader squad. The activity has become so demanding and exact that some sporting experts day that it has become a sport in itself. There are now special tournaments for cheerleader squads and the routines performed by these squads have become intricate, difficult and thoroughly entertaining.

There has been criticism, especially about the dismal safety record of cheer leading as a sport. In fact, statistics show that cheer leading is one of the most dangerous sports and there are numerous cases where participants sustained very serious injuries and a number of cheerleaders have even been killed during events. Other critics are dismayed by the fact squads wear skimpy uniforms. They view the sport as degrading for women.

One thing is certain. Cheer leading is here to stay. Spectators at sports events enjoy the fabulous performances, players enjoy the attention and the cheerleaders themselves revel in the attention that they get. It takes hard work and an extraordinary amount of dedication to succeed at the highest levels however.

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