The Method for Losing Your Love Handles is Staring You in the Face

By Olevia Learn

Wanting to get rid of your love handles isn't all that different a goal from wanting to earn money on the web. There are typically two types of people who approach this: the type who wants it to be perfect immediately and the people who know how to approach it correctly. Quickie reduction machines and drugs that actually help you get rid of them over night do not exist. Shed pounds and firm your whole body; quick weight loss promises are simply lies designed to waste your time and money. If you've tried them before, you know that any weight you lose will be gained back immediately.

The yo-yo effect fad dieting creates is well documented. But you can, though, use proven methods to rid yourself of love handles once and for all.

One question you probably have about losing your love handles is how long will it take. You need to eliminate the fat that covers your love handles before you can successfully get rid of them. Even people who are in the best shape of their lives might have to deal with love handles. What makes them different is that their love handles are all muscle and not muscle and fat.

So the million dollar question becomes how much fat do you have. People who have weight problems usually need to spend more time working on this. Other things that matter are your level of motivation and how hard you are prepared to work.

There is an exercise called the trunk twist, which is good for your love handles, obliques and midsection. If you don't care if you are seen, then you can do this exercise anywhere. Your feet should be a little more than a shoulder width apart. You can place your hands on your hips or hold them straight out to your sides. You keep your feet in place, while you twist or rotate your upper torso. It is a very controlled exercise, without any bouncing, and the amount of motion needs to be within a healthy range. You need to try this 50 to 100 times, which is called a rep, and then repeat the rep 3 to 5 more times. The next day you will feel it because doing this many exercises, your love handles will feel it.

This fact is also quite deserving of your time and attention. You already have a six pack--even if you aren't able to see it. Usually a thick layer of fat keeps you from being able to see it. Here's a secret. Don't just think about getting rid of your love handles. Tone up your whole body and your love handles will disappear as a matter of course. As you begin to get more fit and lose weight, your love handles will start reducing also. Unfortunately, this midsection area is more difficult to see results in for men, so you guys have to exercise more patience to get improvement.

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