A Wooden Puzzle Game Spans The Generations

By Andrea Davidson

If ever you think of toys that you have seen in old black and white films they will often have been made from wood. Throughout history up until the end of the Second World War this had been the case. Then mass production and plastics arrived on the scene. It is quite gratifying to know that people do still enjoy trying to solve a wooden puzzle game.

There is something about these objects that cause people to fondly think of their childhood. Everyone probably had those brightly coloured, hand sized blocks of wood when they were a toddler. They were safe for a youngster, they were unlikely to be swallowed and were inexpensive, but children loved them. There are probably toy building blocks still taking up space in cupboards up and down the country.

From the blocks it seems like a routine step forward to large piece jigsaws also made from wood. Quite often they were initially just colourful shapes that had to be replaced in the appropriate cutout on a board. From there it would progress to the proper jigsaws. All part and parcel of learning hand and eye coordination and digital dexterity.

During school vacations many a child has been sent to spend some time with their Grandparents. Typically Grandparents try to make this time as memorable as possible with lots of activities crammed in, yet the weather can soon put paid to carefully laid plans. Now Grandparents are resourceful people and they often overcome the problem of the weather by bringing out your parent's old toys and puzzles.

There is something very comforting about trying to figure out the self same puzzle that your parents fretted over. As it has been made from wood it will have withstood the ravages of time. If there is a piece that is slightly different in colour, that might be a piece that your Grandfather had to make when the original piece was lost.

Even though many youngsters do like to play their computer games, there does seem to be a growing market for these more traditional pieces. Originally these items would have all been carved by hand. Nowadays with automation, better results are achieved in a fraction of the time, but the quality is still there.

Many will claim that these games and puzzles frustrate and entertain at the same time. When directed at the 3 dimensional items this is most definitely true. When you first received it, it was complete. So you know that it can be done. You begin by thinking what is all of the fuss about, and then the frustration happens. You were doing so well but you still have all of those pieces left over. However when you do finally finish it all, you have a great feeling of accomplishment.

Many of these games and puzzles have changed little over time, and some are relative newcomers. Many are still known by their original names. Such as the Towers of Hanoi. One less familiar might be the Soma Cube. It only takes a quick glance when you notice someone attempting one of these, and you are hooked. You want to attempt to solve your very own wooden puzzle game.

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