Getting Your Mind-Set Right For Permanent Weight Loss

By Toby Edge

I have previously looked at mind-set and specifically how your mind-set really determines your long term weight. It is your programming that leads to your beliefs, attitudes, feelings and therefore actions. Without the right actions, you'll never get the right result, so you need to start at the foundation - your subconscious programming or mind-set.

So how exactly can you achieve this?

Well, one of the main techniques that I like to use is called 'self-talk'. This is something my clients often use and it can have wonderful results when used properly and consistently. So lets quickly look into how this works.

As I mentioned previously, your programming comes from various sources, one of the most important of which is your own internal dialogue. So when you say to yourself 'I will never lose weight for good' or 'diets simply do not work for me' you are actually programming this into your subconscious and making it a reality. So what self talk will do is help you to change your inner dialogue so that you are creating positive, not negative programming.

The first thing to do is to evaluate what your self talk is like at the moment. The best way of doing this is by spending 3 days carry around a notepad and keeping a log of all of your current self talk about dieting, exercise, and your weight. So, if you heard yourself saying 'this diet is not going to work for me' in your head, you'd note that down. This will help you create a cleaer picture of what your current self talk is like.

After 3 days, evaluate what you've written down. Is this the sort of programming that you want to be logging into your subconscious, the driving force behind everything you do? If you answer no to that question, and the majority will, then you're going to need to do something about it.

First up, look at all of the negative selk talk phrases you have written down and make them positive. Write down the exact opposite of what you have on the page. So, a phrase like 'I have eating healthily' will become 'I love eating healthily'. If you do that to all of your phrases you'll start to build a better picture of what you should be programming into your subconscious.

Now read these positive phrases every morning. Read them in the mirror, out loud, and make eye contact. Do this for several weeks and you'll start to see some changes. Then you can start to edit your internal dialogue and self talk as you say it. This is a long term technique that can yield amazing rewards when done well.

This is only one technique, but its one of the best I've ever come across. Use it and get that foundation in place for long term weight loss.

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